Indonesia Overview


Official name of the state

Republic of Indonesia.




As a country located in Asia according to dentistrymyth, Indonesia, the largest island nation in the world, consists of the six main islands of Sumatra, Sulawesi, Java, Bali, Kalimantan (part of Borneo) and West Papua (formerly Irian Jaya, western half of New Guinea) and 30 smaller archipelagos. In total, Indonesia consists of over 13,000 islands, of which 6000 are uninhabited, stretching over 5150 km and located in a volcanic zone with over 300 mostly extinct volcanoes. In terms of landscape, the islands are quite different; some have mountains or plateaus, others consist of flat coastal plains and alluvial land.


Presidential republic since 1945. Constitution from 1945, last amendment in 2002. One-chamber parliament: House of Representatives (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat) with 560 members. Independent since 1949 (former Dutch colony).

Head of state

Joko Widodo, since October 2014.

Head of government

Joko Widodo, since October 2014.


220 V, 50 Hz; sometimes 110 V, 50 Hz in rural areas. Two-pole and three-pole plugs, adapters are recommended. Power fluctuations must be expected, especially in the evening hours.



The official language is Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia). Each ethnic group has its own language. Around 250 regional languages and dialects are spoken. English, Dutch and Arabic are compulsory languages. The older generation is more likely to speak Dutch as a second language and the younger generation is more likely to speak English.


  • Goodbye = Selamat tinggal (“Have a good stay” wishes the person leaving)
  • Goodbye = Selamat jalan (“A good path” wishes the person staying)
  • Eight = Delapan
  • Eighty = Delapanpuluh
  • Beer = bir
  • Please = Sama-sama
  • Thank you = Terima kasih
  • Tuesday = Selasa
  • Doctor = doctor
  • Thursday = Kamis
  • Three = tiga
  • Thirty = Tigapuluh
  • One hundred = Saturibu
  • One = Satu
  • One thousand = Saturibu
  • Friday = Jumat
  • Five = Lima
  • Fifty = Limapuluh
  • Hello = Selamat siang
  • Hello = helo
  • Today = Hari ini
  • Hotel = hotel
  • I feel sick = Aku sakit.
  • I got injured. = Aku terluka.
  • I do not understand = Aku tidak mengerti itu
  • Yes = Ya
  • Can I have the menu, please? = Boleh minta daftar makanan
  • My name is?? = Aku namanya…
  • Wednesday = Rabu
  • Monday = Senin
  • Tomorrow = Besok
  • No = tidak
  • Nine = sembilan
  • Ninety = Sembilanpuluh
  • Restaurant = Restaran
  • Saturday = Sabtu
  • Six = enam
  • Sixty = enampuluh
  • Seven = Tujuh
  • Seventy = Tujuhpuluh
  • Sunday = Minggu
  • Do you speak German? = Bisa Anda berbicara bahasa jerman?
  • Toilets = Kamar kecil
  • Four = empat
  • Forty = empatpuluh
  • Wine = Anggur
  • How are you? = Apa kabar Anda?
  • How much is it? = Berapa?
  • Where is??? = Dimana?
  • Ten = Sepuluh
  • Twenty = Duapuluh
  • Two = dua


Regional specialities

There are countless specialties, including Rijstafel (Indonesian-Dutch mix of a variety of meats, vegetables, salads, fish and curry), Sate (spicy, grilled beef, fish, pork, chicken or lamb on a skewer with peanut sauce), Ayam Ungkap (Java; marinated chicken fried in oil), Ikan Acar Kuning (Jakarta; lightly marinated fried fish with a sauce made from pickled spices), Soto Ayam (soup with dumplings, vegetables and chicken), Gado-Gado (Java; salad made from raw and cooked vegetables with coconut milk and peanut sauce), Pempek (Palembang; deep-fried fish balls in warm sweet and sour vinegar sauce), Babi Guling (roast suckling pig) and Opor Ayam (cooked chicken in mildly spiced coconut milk). Fish and seafood as well as tropical fruit round off the menu.

Indonesia Overview


Tipping is common but not compulsory. In some hotels and restaurants an extra 10% is charged for service.

Regional drinks

Local (e.g. Bintang) and imported beer is available in almost every restaurant, and the larger restaurants also have spirits. The alcoholic specialty of Bali is the rice wine Brem, in South Sulawesi there is the high- proof tuak. Tea and coffee are mostly drunk black and sweet. All over Indonesia there are many different, extremely tasty fruit juices available, such as: B. pineapple, papaya, avocado and durian juice.

Minimum age for consuming alcoholic beverages

In Indonesia you can drink alcohol from the age of 21.


Best travel time

Tropical monsoon climate with pronounced regional differences. The east monsoon brings the driest weather (June – September), the west monsoon the rainy season (December – March). There is rainfall all year round. Cooler in the mountains. The average temperature is around 23-28 ° C all year round. Mostly it is a damp heat with a humidity of 70-90%. The best time to travel falls in the months of June, July and August, which are also the most expensive months. In the mid-season in May and September you can be lucky with both the prices and the weather.

During the rainy season, muddy roads can bring traffic to a standstill. It should be noted that on regional, official holidays, public transport is often congested, shops are closed and accommodations in the holiday resorts are almost fully booked.


Area code +62 Area (sqkm) 1922570 Population 255993674 Population density (per sqkm) 133 Population in 2015 Member of the EU No main emergency number 112

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